Intelligence is needed when there is something to be won and something to be lost.
Digital footprint
- Employment: to check candidates before hiring them to establish their work history, any prior misconduct and any potential risks to the company.
- Legal: to gain in-depth knowledge about one of the parties in a trial to anticipate their strategy.
- Property: to carry out checks on a potential tenant before signing a lease agreement.
- Financial: to identify an individual’s income, standard of living and assets to recover debt, modify alimony, etc.

Digital surveillance
La Vigilancia Digital consiste en detectar, monitorizar y analizar diferentes tipos de contenidos publicados en RRSS, medios de comunicación, blogs, foros, así como cualquier fuente pública durante un período de tiempo con el fin de identificar posibles amenazas y oportunidades para entidades, particulares e instituciones y gobiernos. También disponemos de un sistema de alertas tempranas que nos permite anticipar al cliente de las situaciones de riesgo detectadas, con el fin de minimizar y/o reducir su impacto. Se podrá enfocar en:
- Companies
- Individuals
- Organisations
- Events (mobilisations, marketing campaigns, etc.)
Online reputation management
For a proper management of online reputation and, depending on the specific needs of each client, we offer:
- Brand abuse detection.
Brand abuse is the exploitation of an organization’s prestige by a third party to obtain a profit in an illegitimate way. Brand abuse is increasingly common in ecommerce and is manifested through counterfeiting or brand impersonation.
- Takedown or digital content removal

Digital investigations
Digital investigations involve performing enquiries and checks on the internet, deep web, etc. to identify activities or behaviours that may constitute public and semi-public crimes.
The digital world has become an important source of information about these kinds of behaviours, allowing people and assets to be monitored to ensure that the client’s activities can continue unimpeded.
Digital investigation may be helpful in the following scenarios:
- Providing information or evidence of suspected crimes committed online.
- Deanonymising profiles on social media, forums, etc.
- Locating persons.
- Ascertaining a company’s financial situation.
- Compiling information about a debtor’s true financial status.
- Checking individuals in receipt of temporary incapacity leave.
- Detecting websites engaging in illegal sales.
Digital fraud prevention
1. Anti-Phising
Phishing is a form of Internet fraud that uses the deception of the user to obtain confidential information to be later used in an illegitimate way.
2. Cybersquatting
Cybersquatting or domain frauds are understood as the appropriation of domain names to be later used in a fraudulent way against the organization.
3. Hacktivism and Malware
Hacktivism and malware are increasingly common problems that represent exponential economic losses for organizations. These types of actions can result in the theft, encryption or removal of data or strategic information from the company or its customers.
4. Information leaks
Information leaks occur when a third party becomes aware of an organization’s confidential information. From Vestigere, multiple procedures are activated to minimize the possibility of an information leak.

Success stories
Digital footprint for executive hiring process
A Human Resources department commissions a digital footprint for three candidates who have been pre-selected for an executive position at the company with the aim of finding out more about their work histories and personalities, among other aspects.
A report containing the results of the open source investigation (OSINT) into the three individuals was produced. This facilitated the decision-making process for the company, which was able to select the candidate who was best suited to its needs.
Activities incompatible with temporary incapacity leave
A company contacts Vestigere to commission an investigation into one of its employees, who is believed to be carrying out activities that are incompatible with the temporary incapacity leave she has been granted.
An open source investigation (OSINT) was carried out. Several reviews were found from different users for a driving school teacher whose name and surname coincided with those of the subject. This information was used to extend the search, confirming that the subject was teaching motorcycle classes in breach of the conditions of her incapacity leave.
Online reputation management
Following a series of public statements made by a company executive, public perceptions of a certain brand have shifted. The resulting narrative (regardless of its veracity) has had a negative impact on the company’s image and reputation.
The company commissioned an analysis of their online reputation. Through this, they were able to diagnose the changes needed and act proactively to improve their public image by discrediting unreliable information sources and control the narrative.
Deanonymising profiles
A corporate client suspects that one of his employees, who is unhappy with his situation at the company, is responsible for sending defamatory emails to the client’s suppliers.
By searching in open sources and using specialised software, the detectives were able to certify the emails and demonstrate a link to the employee suspected of sending them.
Fraude a una aseguradora
An insurance company suspects that an accident leading to a claim for a considerable sum of money was planned and that the parties involved in the accident already knew one another.
The detectives created a fictitious digital identity (avatar) and accessed social media profiles belonging to the individuals involved in the accident. Analysis of these profiles revealed the type and duration of the relationship between the individuals and several photographs showing them together were found.
Locating people to serve summonses
The client needs to serve a summons to a debtor, whose current whereabouts are unknown.
Via an open source investigation and a digital identity (avatar), the detectives located the subject on social media and conversed with him, obtaining information about his current place of residence. This allowed them to supply the client with a valid address where the summons could be served.
Digital surveillance of a multinational’s franchise
Due to the material damages suffered and the forced closing of franchises since the facing of manifestations, soccer matches, among others, a company wants to receive previous warnings to these situations in order to take the corresponding actions.
After monitoring the social networks of each franchise and creating a channel for sending alerts to the Director of the Security Department, it is possible to anticipate conflicting situations and avoid damage caused by them.
Vestigere’s intelligence gathering activities are entirely legal. Our analysts conduct OSINT work (open source intelligence), finding and analysing information that is already in the public domain in public records, official gazettes, social networks, blogs, news outlets, etc.
Intelligence gathering is not the same as spying as the information is obtained using legal methods, either through open sources or through the work of an accredited private detective.
Vestigere works with tools and experts that allow us to find hidden information, reveal new lines of enquiry and streamline searches and analysis. Moreover, Vestigere’s intelligence analysts make sure to stay up-to-date with ongoing changes in the world of OSINT intelligence to ensure that they use the most cutting-edge procedures and methods available to obtain information.
Call (+34) 91 066 62 62 or email us at and our team of experts will study your case carefully at no cost to you. We will provide you with a customised quote, which you will need to sign alongside a confidentiality contract detailing the scope of the investigation if you decide to accept our quote. You can also contact us using the contact form.
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